The garden
The terraced garden offers private areas around each villas and large free areas between each villa.
Sixty years ago the whole hill was covered with rosebush called Tango or Roses of Vence (tea-roses) and provided the flowers to the perfume factories of the city of Grasse.
The garden is carefully kept by the owner and professional gardeners. In flowers a large part of the year, the numerous rosebushs are dazzlingly beautiful in June
A lot of mediterrean trees, shrubs, perennials have been planted beside the very old trees year after year. The lawns are doted with violettes and daisies.
No herbicid or pesticid are used. Nature is respected (garden classified LPO for the birds). The villas are surounded with poteries and flowers. Sculpture and work of art remind us that Vence is City if art.
The expert will identify :
- Trees : Olive trees, cyprus, hazeltrees, orange trees, plum trees, fig trees, persimonn, medlar tree, albizia, Feijoa
- Schrubs : oleanders, yuccas, pittosporums, viburnum, arbutus trees, solanum
- Perennials : Rosemary, salvia, rosebushes, iris, jasmin, aloes, wisteria, agapanthus plants